accessibility statement
This is the accessibility statement for lippu.light shop.
The statement was originally published on the 16th September 2020. The accessibility has been estimated by our own experts, taking advantage of typical tools.
Accessibility status of the service
The lippu.light shop is mostly compliant with the accessibility criteria WCAG 2.1. levels A and AA.
Third-party content
All event images and descriptions are provided by third parties. We attempt to promote the accessibility of those materials by providing advice.
These are some of the features we are presently working on:
- Keyboard and focus (2.1.1.)
In some sections of the site, keyboard focus is not clearly visible.
- Combining links (2.4.4.)
There are some instances where an image link and a text link point to the same place but are separate, creating unnecessary repetition.
Feedback about accessibility
If you have any questions or feedback regarding accessibility, please use this link Accessibility feedback webform. We will answer your questions as soon as possible if you choose to leave your contact information.
Enforcement body
If you encounter accessibility issues in this service, please give your feedback directly to us as a first course of action. Our answer may take up to 14 days, but fixing the issues may take longer.
If you are unhappy with the answer or do not receive any answer within 14 days despite leaving your contact information, you can contact The Regional State Administrative Agency (Avi) of Southern Finland.
Enforcement Body contact information
Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto,
Saavutettavuuden valvonnan yksikkö
Tel. 00358 (0)295 016 000