Bild: Smokie

Smokie - The Legacy Tour 2025

Halle 622, Therese-Giehse-Strasse 10, 8050 Zürich-Oerlikon
12.04.2025 - 20:00
ab 12.04.2025 19:00 Uhrbis 12.04.2025 22:00 Uhr


Look at the Guinness Book Of Hit Singles and you could be forgiven for thinking Smokie’s success story was a 1970s phenomenon. After all, 11 of their 14 British hits came in that eventful musical decade. However, their massive success story has continued to flourish around the globe including Scandinavia, South Africa, Germany and even China.Smokie are a band which has soldout tours and gained platinum records in four decades –70s, 80s, 90s and the present day.

Smokie continue to be one of the most successful bands in the world today. 

Smokies line-up are:

Steve Pinnell on Drums

Mick McConnell on lead guitar and Backing vocal

Pete Lincoln Lead vocals and rhythm guitar

Martin Bullard Keyboards

Luke Bullard on Bass guitar and backing vocals

There’s no smoke without fire, so the saying goes – and Smokie are still firing on all five cylinders!

  • 1 Kat. - Sitzplatz
    • Normalpreis
      CHF 119.00
  • 2 Kat. - Sitzplatz
    • Normalpreis
      CHF 99.00
  • 3 Kat. - Sitzplatz
    • Normalpreis
      CHF 79.00
  • 4 Kat. - Sitzplatz
    • Normalpreis
      CHF 59.00
  • 5 Kat. - Sitzplatz
    • Normalpreis
      CHF 39.00
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